Grameen Shikkha-OKWorld Pre-school Project

Grameen Shikkha-OKWorld Pre-school Project

The Grameen Shikkha-OKWorld Pre-school Project, financed by the OKWorld Foundation of France, started in 2010. The project is conducted in 17 villages in Singair sub-district of Manikganj district. There are 20 pre-schools under this program. Each school comprises about 30 poor students. Students learn through games and toys in a joyful environment. Each school is looked after by an educated young woman hired from the community to work as teacher. Students come to school for 2.5 hours a day and six days a week. Pre-academics is an important part in the class routine: students learn the Bangla Alphabet, learn to read and write simple words and sentences in Bangla, and learn numbers up to 50 and simple arithmetic like addition and subtraction. Grameen Shikkha prepares all its pre-school students for admission in grade-1 and ensures that all pre-school graduates are admitted into grade-1 in primary school. A total of nearly 6,000 students graduated from these schools since 2010 and all of them joined primary school. Peogram was closed after 2019.

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